Sunday, June 30, 2013

Project 1-4: Tutorial to Make an A-Line Skirt

This was a pretty easy, standard skirt pattern (here's the first and the second posts on this project) and took me about 5 hours (mainly because I had to recreate the belt!).  Below are changes I made to this pattern.
Facing and Lining
I have a confession to make:  I don't like to work with most lining fabrics.  They're too squirley, moving this way and that and having to be pinned like crazy to stay still.  That being said, I absolutely love how they look.  So, I am lining this skirt, but I don't have to like it (I think of eating peas, yuck!)

I've had women tell me over the years that zippers can be a real challenge.  I find that in order to get a really even zipper, I handbaste it first, so I don't stick myself with pins and the zipper comes out perfect. 

The pattern instructions called for me to fold over the carrier piece, sew down the side and turn inside out.  As with most fabrics and especially this slightly rough, medium thick fabric, it would be a major impossibility to turn the fabric inside out of this small tube.  Instead, see the method below, the carriers looks professional after spending way less time and frustration.


Prior to sewing the seams together, I pulled off all sequins that were going to get caught in the seams, including the hem, zippers and darts.

I didn't want the thread from sewing the lace on the hem to show so I measured where the hem line would be, and then sewed the lace upside down at that point. Then, I flipped the hem up.
This cotton was great to work with--I was able to steam the hem and get it nice and flat!

Expect the Unexpected
I lost the the belt to this pattern!  Here I go into detail about how I re-created it.

I can't wait to show you the finished skirt!  I'll be sharing pictures next time...and I might have a surprise, something else I made with this fabrics' scraps!

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