Monday, April 22, 2013

Aqua Faux Fur and Beads

Well, I wish I was aqua until another color catches my eye.

Drumroll, please...I finished my aqua fur project.   Take a gander:

Remember my recent post about the faux aqua fur and sequins?   
Isn't she pretty?  I decided to show off her fur lenth by using this pattern, see how the length of the fur shows up at the bottom?  Also, although this aqua is pretty, I decided I needed to break it up with a color that would tone the aqua down: brown or brass.  See the spotted brown handles?  I think they are a good match. Plus, I absolutely love the little coin beads.  They click a little when the purse moves. 

I put the beads in very securely, and I decided to make this a wristlet purse, so it can be worn on the wrist, like a bracelet. 

This fur was very thick so I ended up having to do a lot of hand sewing.  I find that if the fabric is too thick, the seam doesn't set straight by sewing over pins with the sewing machine.  Hand sewing is slow but I can check each stitch as I sew and then I can machine sew the handstiched seam. 

I decided that while the sequin fabric was pretty, it was too much for this fur project.  I think I will make a little heart with it though, and put it around one of the handles for a little bling.

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